Friday, February 29, 2008

Planet Wisdom

We are taking Middle School Student to Planet Wisdom this weekend! Looking forward to hanging out with them! Should be a great conference!!!

1 Kings 18:16-46

"Then Elijah stood in front of them and said, 'How much longer will you waver, hobbling between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him! But if Baal is God, then follow him!' But the people were completely silent. . . . 'Then call on the name of your god, and I will call on the name of the Lord. The god who answers by setting fire to the wood is the true God!' And all the people agreed." v.21 & 24


Elijah challenged the people to take a stand - to follow whoever was the true God. Why did so many people waver between the two choices? Perhaps some were not sure. Many however, knew that the Lord was God, but they enjoyed the sinful pleasures and other benefits that came with following Ahab in his idolatrous worship. It is important to take a stand for the Lord. If we just drift along with whatever is pleasant and easy, we will someday discover that we have been worshiping a false god - ourselves.

God flashed fire from heaven for Elijah. He will also help us accomplish what he commands us to do. The proof may not be as dramatic in our lives as in Elijah's, but God will make resources available to us in creative ways to accomplish his purposes. He will give us the wisdom to raise a family, the courage to take a stand for the truth, or the means to provide help for someone in need. Like Elijah, we can have faith that whatever God commands us to do, he will provide what we need to carry it through.

Taken from the NLT Life Application Study Bible

Thursday, February 28, 2008

1 Kings 17:1-24

"So Elijah did as the Lord told him and camped beside Kerith Brook, east of the Jordan. The ravens brought him bread and meat each morning and evening, and he drank from the brook. But after a while the brook dried up, for there was no rainfall anywhere in the land." v.5-7

Elijah's single-minded commitment to God shocks and challenges us. He was sent to confront - not comfort. He spoke God's words to a king who often rejected his message just because he brought it.

It's interesting to think about the amazing miracles God accomplished through Elijah, but we would do well to focus on the relationship they shared. All that happened in Elijah's life began with the same miracle that is available to us - he responded to the miracle of being able to know God.

Taken from the NLT Life Application Study Bible

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

1 Kings 12:1-24

"But Rehoboam rejected the advice of the older men and instead asked the opinion of the young men who had grown up with him and were now his advisers. 'What is your advice?' he asked them. 'How should I answer these people who want me to lighten the burdens imposed by my father?'" v. 8-9

Rehoboam asked for advice, but he didn't carefully evaluate what he was told. If he had, he would have realized that the advice offered by the elders was wiser than that of his peers.

To evaluate advice, ask if it is realistic, workable, and consistent with biblical principles. Determine if the results of following the advice will be fair, make improvements, and give a positive solution or direction. Seek counsel from those who are more experienced and wiser. Advice is helpful only if it is consistent with God's standard.

Taken from the NLT Life Application Study Bible

Monday, February 25, 2008

Inside The Mind Of The Boy Dating Your Daughter

The stereotype of the 16-year-old boy is that he has sex on the brain. But a fascinating new report suggests that boys are motivated more by love and a desire to form real relationships with the girls they date.

The report, published in this month’s Journal of Adolescence, paints a far different picture of teen boys than the stereotype of testosterone-fueled youth. Psychology researchers from the State University of New York at Oswego surveyed 105 10th-grade boys whose average age was about 16. The boys, most of whom said they were heterosexual, were given surveys asking them to select various reasons why they asked girls out, dated and pursued physical relationships. Most of the boys had dating experience, and about 40 percent were sexually active.


1 Kings 10:1-13

"She exclaimed to the king, 'Everything I heard in my country about your achievements and wisdom is true! I didn’t believe what was said until I arrived here and saw it with my own eyes. In fact, I had not heard the half of it! Your wisdom and prosperity are far beyond what I was told. How happy your people must be! What a privilege for your officials to stand here day after day, listening to your wisdom! Praise the LORD your God, who delights in you and has placed you on the throne of Israel. Because of the LORD’s eternal love for Israel, he has made you king so you can rule with justice and righteousness.'" v.6-9

As God started working in Solomon's life, people took notice and stories began to spread about him. The queen of Sheba came to see for herself if everything she heard about Solomon was true. Contests using riddles or proverbs were often used to test wisdom. The queen may have used some of these as she questioned Solomon. When she realized the extent of his riches and wisdom, she was overwhelmed and no longer questioned his power or wisdom. No longer a competitor, she became and admirer. Her experience was repeated by many kings and foreign dignitaries who paid honor to Solomon.

Taken from the NLT Life Application Study Bible

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Overnighter Music Video

This premiered at the Group Conference for Youth Pastors on Saturday!!! Great Stuff!!!

Weekend Review - SEX

Well today we finished our 6 week sex series. (Praise Jesus) It was a good series that I feel the student enjoyed. We held a panel today with 5 adult men and 5 adult women and two students. We allowed student to jot down questions they had a bout sex and the panel on the fly answered those questions. Here are the questions our teenagers asked:

* How old should you be before you have your first serious boyfriend?
* Why does God allow people to use sex in an unholy way?
* Is constant lust for your wife wrong?
* Why is homosexuality wrong?
* How do you date while putting God first?
* Since love is so powerful, how would you get out of a situation where you want to do stuff sexually?
* Why do people give up their children after they have had sex?
* Were you a virgin before you got married?
* Was is weird/awkward or bad the first time?
* How important is it to have Christian friends to keep my behavior within God's boundaries?
* Did you regret losing your virginity before marriage?
* How do I handle myself at parties where some teens are touchy-feely?
* Once you are married, is it ok to have complete sexual freedom with your spouse? (any kind of sex)
* Is oral sex within marriage wrong? Outside of Marriage?
* How often do old people have sex?

Our panel did a great job answering these questions. What a great way to end a series leaving students with many answers and some action steps to navigate through relationships safely and successfully.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Tomorrow we will end our 6 week sex series with a panel of adults answering questions from students about, sex and relationships. I let you know how it goes!

Announcement Video from NYWC

I don't know if this is creative, or a late night without creative ideas. Anyhow, Andy, don't get any ideas!!!!

1 Kings 6:1-38

"Then the Lord gave this message to Solomon: 'Concerning this Temple you are building, if you keep all my decrees and regulations and obey all my commands, I will fulfill through you the promise I made to your father, David. I will live among the Israelites and will never abandon my people Israel.'"v.11-13

Solomon put great detail in constructing the temple. From the stones, wood, gold, statues and tools, all of these were used in a way to show reverence and awe to God.

The temple had a purpose. God promised to that his eternal presence would never leave the Temple as long as one condition was met: The Israelites had to obey God's law. Knowing how many laws they had to follow, we may think this condition was difficult. But the Israelites' situation was much like ours today. They were cut off from God for failing to keep some small part of a law. Forgiveness was simply provided for all their sins, no matter how large or small. As you read the history of the kings, that law breaking was the result, not the cause, of estrangement from God. The kings abandoned God in their hearts first and then failed to keep his laws. When we close our hearts to God, we soon lose his power and presence.

Taken from the NLT Life Application Study Bible

Friday, February 22, 2008

Blogs from C3 Conference

Tony Morgan has been posting outines and zingers from the C3 Confernce at Fellowship Church. Here is some great stuff that Perry Noble said Thursday.

Here are some of the insights from Perry's session. Thanks, Joe, for sharing your notes.

Environment matters
-Matthew 17:1-3
-If you are preaching at or working for a church that you would not otherwise attend, WHY?
-The fire starts in the Senior Pastor's heart. If the Sr. Pastor is not fired up, why would anyone else be?

Vision matters
-Matthew 17:4-7
-Peter wanted to stay on the mountain forever. He couldn't see past the current events.
-You're only as deep as the last person you served.
-You may say that we are not deep. What you really mean to say is "You don't confuse me enough." I can confuse the crap out of you.
-Listen to the one God gave the vision to - and God gives that to the Senior Pastor!
-Matthew 17:7 "Get Up!" - Get up! "Don't be afraid!" Operate by vision and not voting.
-We want the back door of the church to stay open. The church is the body. If the back door of the body stops up, it is not good! We want the back door to stay open.

Jesus matters
-Politicians can't help the nation, Jesus can!
-Matthew 17:8 - When they looked up, they saw no one but Jesus. That is our goal - that people show up to our church and see no one but Jesus!

Will Friday's Lights DIM?

This is one of my families favorite TV shows. We DVR it every friday night and watch after our festive nights if we go out! Great show if you aren't watching it!

First it was a talent show. Then it was a Friday night time slot when most high school football fans are well, at a high school football game. Now, it’s the recently ended writer’s strike, not the suspension of Brian “Smash” Williams that is threatening to upend the Dillon Panthers’ chances to repeat as state champions.

Like Tim Riggins, one of the show’s strongest characters, Friday Night Lights just doesn’t seem to get any breaks.


1 Kings 3:16-28

"Then he said, 'Cut the living child in two, and give half to one woman and half to the other!'" v.25

Solomon's settlement of this dispute was a classic example of his wisdom. This wise ruling was verification that God had answered Solomon's prayer and given him an understanding heart. We have God's wisdom available to us as we pray and request it. But, like Solomon, we must put it into action. Applying wisdom to life demonstrates our understanding.

Taken from the NLT Life Application Study Bible

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Teens who watch wrestling take more health risks

I grew up on this stuff and I am pretty normal, but that was back in the day. I wonder what they say about the UFC?

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Teenage fans of TV wrestling are more likely than their peers to be aggressive or take chances with their health, a study suggests.

Researchers found that among 2,300 16- to 20-year-old Americans, those who watched professional wrestling were more likely to be violent, smoke or have unprotected sex -- and the more they watched TV wrestling, the greater their odds of taking such risks.

However, he told Reuters Health, it is "definitely possible" that TV wrestling affects teenagers' behavior. In an earlier study, Wolfson and his colleagues found that teenage girls who watched wrestling were more likely to get into fights or carry a weapon at a later point in adolescence.

In general, researchers believe that children can become desensitized by violence in movies, TV and video games -- particularly when those portrayals downplay the consequences of violence. A steady dose of media violence may also influence young people's perceptions, priming them to take other people's words and actions as hostile and to react aggressively.


Day 6 - Drank Pepsi

I know, I am a slacker. I totally didn't have a desire today to not drink pepsi. Went to get fast food through a window and just couldn't compel myself to ask for milk in the drive thru. Then hooked up with the family at chick-fil-a for a piece of cheese cake and yet again got a small soda. Why is it so addicting?

National Youth Ministry Conference

Well, I wish I was there . . . but I am still in Texas! Many of my friends are and it would be so fun to hang out with them, so they better take good notes!!

Going to Student MInistry Conferences are so fun and refreshing. Its fun to get away and refreshing to learn that I am not alone when it comes to my ministry journey. REALLY, only other youth workers can relate to the stories, good and bad, passion to see God do something big in and thru the life of a teenager, as well as understand the hurt, lonelyness, excitement, joy and all the other emotions we experience from day to day, (more like minute to minute). I am sure it will be exciting and I am looking forward to hearing stories of what is going on!!

Click here to see people blogging about the event!

1 Kings 3:1-15

"'Now, O Lord my God, you have made me king instead of my father, David, but I am like a little child who doesn’t know his way around. And here I am in the midst of your own chosen people, a nation so great and numerous they cannot be counted! Give me an understanding heart so that I can govern your people well and know the difference between right and wrong. For who by himself is able to govern this great people of yours?'" v.7-9

What a great request from a humble and honest leader. When given the chance to have anything in the world, Solomon asked for wisdom - "an understanding heart" - in order to lead well and to make decisions. We can ask God for this same wisdom. Notice that Solomon asked for understanding to carry out his job; he didn't ask God to do the job for him. We should not ask God to do for us what he wants to do through us. Instead, we should ask God to give us the wisdom to know what to do and the courage to follow through on it.

Taken from the NLT Life Application Study Bible

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Day 5 -No Pepsi

Well, It hasn't been as hard as I thought it would. The good news is I haven't had the pulsating headaches that I normally get when I haven't had my morning soda. However, I must admit that I have had two glasses of SODA at lunch on Sunday and Tuesday. I think this thing will be kicked easier than I thought.

By the way, Sunday night we went to our new favorite Restaurant, Texas Roadhouse!! YUM, YUM!!!!! When the waitress took our drink order, she looked at me very weird when I said I wanted milk. When she brought it to the table she told me she had never had an adult order a glass of milk for a drink before. I thought that was strange! But honestly, it did make me feel like I was a health buff. FYI, a glass of milk and a steak go together very well!!!

1 Kings 1:28-53

"'Not at all!' Jonathan replied. 'Our lord King David has just declared Solomon king!' Then all of Adonijah’s guests jumped up in panic from the banquet table and quickly scattered. Adonijah was afraid of Solomon, so he rushed to the sacred tent and grabbed onto the horns of the altar." v. 43;49-50

Sometimes it takes getting caught before someone is willing to give up his scheme. When Adonijah learned that his plans the be king were doomed to fail, he ran in panic to the altar, the place of Gods mercy and forgiveness. For us today it would be like saying a prayer, or running to a church. He went there after his plans for treason were exposed. If Adonijah had first considered what God wanted, he might have avoided trouble. Don't wait until you have made a mess of your life, or got caught in a situation, before you fun to God. Seek God's guidance everyday before you act.

Taken for the NLT Life Application Study Bible

Monday, February 18, 2008

The Book on Leadership - Taking Courage

Finished Chapter 3 Of John MacArthur book on leadership. There is some good stuff in here. The insight to Pauls journey was insightful but felt like the insight dragged on. Here are the things I underlined:

--- All of this means that a leader must know the Scriptures. He must believe with an unshakable conviction that God's Word is true. And he must be able to communicate the truth of God's Word with confidence and conviction.
--- The voice of authority must convey strength and power. Unless you really know what you're talking about, you can't speak clearly or with authority.
--- People are looking for authority they can trust. And people who love the truth will follow someone who communicates God's truth with authority. There's no need to tiptoe around facts, evade hard issues, or equivocate on clear matters. If you know the truth, speak it with authority. That's what true leadership does.
--- A real leader's aim is to make everyone around him better. He makes them stronger, more effective, and more motivated.
--- Optimistic enthusiasm inspires followers. People will naturally follow a leader who arouses their hopes, and they will just as surely back away from someone who is perpetually pessimistic.
--- You cannot be an effective leader and be pessimistic. People who are cynical and gloomy debilitate everyone they speak to. They're like bloodsucking leeches. They make people pale, weak, and passive.
--- On the other hand, optimistic enthusiasm creates energy, excitement, and hope. We who know the truth of God and have the promises of God should of all people be optimistic and enthusiastic. (Philippians 4:4)
--- Paul saw these circumstances as an opportunity to introduce unbelievers to his God.

1 Kings 1:1-27

"About that time David’s son Adonijah, whose mother was Haggith, began boasting, 'I will make myself king.' So he provided himself with chariots and charioteers and recruited fifty men to run in front of him. Now his father, King David, had never disciplined him at any time, even by asking, 'Why are you doing that?' Adonijah had been born next after Absalom, and he was very handsome." v.5-6

God fearing people like David and Samuel were used by God to lead nations; nevertheless they had problems in family relationships. God-fearing leaders cannot take for granted the spiritual well being of their children. They are used to having others follow their orders, but they cannot expect their children to manufacture faith upon request. Moral and and spiritual character takes years to build, and it requires constant attention and patient discipline.

Adonijah decided to seize the throne without David's knowledge. He knew that Solomon, not he was Davids first choice to be the next king. This is why he didn't invite Solomon or David's royal advisers when he declared himself king. Thankfully his deceptive plans to gain the throne were interrupted by the prophet Nathan.

When Nathan learned of Adonijahs conspiracy, he immediately tried to stop it. He was a man of both faith and action. He knew that Solomon should rightly be king, and he moved quickly when he saw someone else trying to take the throne. We often know what is right but don't act on it. Perhaps we don;t want to get involved, or maybe we are fearful or lazy. Don't stop with prayer, good intentions, or angry feelings. Take the action needed to correct the situation. Be a Nathan!

David served God well as king, but as a parent he often failed both God and his children. Don't let your service to God, even in leadership posstions, take up so much of your time and energy that you neglect your other God-given responsibilities.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Day 1 - No Pepsi

Well I have almost made it 24 hours with out a glass . . . not even a sip of Pepsi today. It has been challenging, especially since my wife drank soda for dinner right in front of me. But today, milk has replaced my former drink of choice, SODA. I started the habit back in elementary school. Somethings just seem to taste better with soda. I am hoping to find that out to be a lie.

The good news, no headache today. I am sure it will come tomorrow when I am teaching. (That will be fun) I'll let you know how tomorrow goes, pray for me!!!!!!

Parents' Drinking Influences Teenagers

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - When it comes to alcohol, many teenagers may take a cue from their parents, new research suggests.

In a study of more than 4,700 teenagers, researchers found that parents' drinking habits appeared to influence their children in both direct and indirect ways.

In the first case, teenagers seemed to simply follow the example of a parent who drank excessively, the study found. In the second case, many teens seemed to view parents' drinking as a sign of lax parenting, and this, in turn, affected their likelihood of drinking.

Read More . . .

2 Samuel 18:1-18

"During the battle, Absalom happened to come upon some of David’s men. He tried to escape on his mule, but as he rode beneath the thick branches of a great tree, his hair got caught in the tree. His mule kept going and left him dangling in the air. One of David’s men saw what had happened and told Joab, 'I saw Absalom dangling from a great tree.'" v.9-10

And you thought the Bible was boring!

Friday, February 15, 2008

2 Samuel 15:1-37

"After this, Absalom bought a chariot and horses, and he hired fifty bodyguards to run ahead of him. He got up early every morning and went out to the gate of the city. When people brought a case to the king for judgment, Absalom would ask where in Israel they were from, and they would tell him their tribe. Then Absalom would say, 'You’ve really got a strong case here! It’s too bad the king doesn’t have anyone to hear it. I wish I were the judge. Then everyone could bring their cases to me for judgment, and I would give them justice!'
When people tried to bow before him, Absalom wouldn’t let them. Instead, he took them by the hand and embraced them. Absalom did this with everyone who came to the king for judgment, and so he stole the hearts of all the people of Israel." v.1-6

Absolom's political strategy was to steal the hearts of the people with his good looks, grand entrances, apparent concern for justice, and friendly embraces. Many were fooled and switched their allegiance. Later, however, Absalom proved to be an evil ruler.

We need to evaluate our leaders (and ourselves) to make sure their/our charisma is not a mask covering graft, deception, or hunger of power. Make sure that underneath their/our style and charm, they/we are able to make good decisions and handle people wisely.

Taken from the NLT Life Application Study Bible

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Book on Leadership - Taking Initiative

This chapter looks at Paul's ship ride found in Acts 27 from Sidon to Malta. A lot of detail to the ride itself but some good leadership nuggets. Here is what I underlined:
- A leader Takes Initiative.
-- Leaders rise in times of crisis by taking initiative.
-- A leader never says, "We might have a problem over here. Somebody ought to do something about it." The leader says, "Here is the problem, and here is how to solve it."
- Learnings from Nehemiah
-- Identify the Problem
---- The problem was not that God was unfaithful; but rather that His people had been unfaithful.
-- Come up with a Solution
---- The only kind of starting power that make true leaders is that which starts the ignition, but also drives to the end of the journey, organizing and mobilizing people along the way.
-- Delegate Responsibility
-- Know how to Motivate People
---- He did not do it by sheep hype, manipulation, or theatrics. But he shared his vision in a way the people could grasp.
---- He helped them see that this was a work of God.
---- He showed them the spiritual importance of it.
---- He was sincere and believable.
---- His enthusiasm was infectious. His optimism was contagious.
---- They caught the vision.
- Work along side the people
- A leader uses Good Judgement
-- The fastest way to loose credibility as a leader is to make a foolish decision that leads people down a blind alley or off the end of a pier.
-- Too many young men in ministry make impetuous and ill-considered decisions. They lead without looking where they are going. They don't count the cost. They aren't cautious enough.

Generation Myspace . . . Getting Fed Up

Uh-oh. Social networking was supposed to be the Next Big Thing on the Internet. MySpace, Facebook, and other sites have been attracting millions of new users, building sprawling sites that companies are banking on to trigger an online advertising boom. Trouble is, the boom isn't booming anymore. Like Heritage, many people are spending less time on social networking sites or signing off altogether.

The MySpace generation may be getting annoyed with ads and a bit bored with profile pages. The average amount of time each user spends on social networking sites has fallen by 14% over the last four months, according to market researcher ComScore. MySpace, the largest social network, has slipped from a peak of 72 million users in October to 68.9 million in December, ComScore says. The total number of people on such sites is still increasing at an 11.5% rate, but that's down sharply from past growth rates. "What you have with social networks is the most overhyped scenario in online advertising," says Tim Vanderhook, CEO of Specific Media, which places ads for customers on a variety of Web sites.

Read More . . .

2 Samuel 13:20-29

Absalom told his men, 'Wait until Amnon gets drunk; then at my signal, kill him! Don’t be afraid. I’m the one who has given the command. Take courage and do it!' So at Absalom’s signal they murdered Amnon. Then the other sons of the king jumped on their mules and fled." v.28-29

Absolom took matters into his own hands and killed Amnon for raping his sister. David was mad with Amnon for raping Tamar, but David did not punish him. David probably hesitated because:
1.) he didn't want to cross Amnon, who was his first born son and next inline to be king
2.) David was quilty of a similar sin himself in his adultry with Bathseba. While David was unsurpassed as a king and millitary leader, he lacked skill and sensitivity as a husband and father.

Taken from the NLT Life Application Study Bible

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

2 Samuel 13:1-19

"'No, my brother!' she cried. 'Don’t be foolish! Don’t do this to me! Such wicked things aren’t done in Israel. Where could I go in my shame? And you would be called one of the greatest fools in Israel. Please, just speak to the king about it, and he will let you marry me.'
But Amnon wouldn’t listen to her, and since he was stronger than she was, he raped her. Then suddenly Amnon’s love turned to hate, and he hated her even more than he had loved her. 'Get out of here!' he snarled at her." v.12-15

Love and Lust are very different. After Amon raped his half sister, his "love" turned to hate. Although he had claimed to be in love, he was actually overcome by lust. Love is patient; lust requires immediate satisfaction. Love is kind; lust is harsh. Love does not demand its own way; lust does. Lust may feel like love at first, but when physically expressed, it results in self-disgust and hatred of the other person. If you just can't wait, what you feel is not true love. For more scripture on Love, look at 1 Corinthians 13.

Taken from the NLT Life Application Study Bible

Monday, February 11, 2008

Student Life Tour 08

Students Life Tour this weekend was fantastic!!! If you can take students to this two day event it is worth your time and their money. Click here for their website. The theme is "Become". The whole weekend forces you to wrestle with the question "who are you becoming?"

It was Awesome!

Today I spent time with the family. Great day just to hang out and together!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Student Life Tour

This weekend we are taking High School Students to a conference! Should be a great time of learning and developing relationships. Pray for us and I will be back blogging on Monday. Have a great Weekend!

2 Samuel 12

"So the LORD sent Nathan the prophet to tell David this story: 'There were two men in a certain town. One was rich, and one was poor. The rich man owned a great many sheep and cattle. The poor man owned nothing but one little lamb he had bought. He raised that little lamb, and it grew up with his children. It ate from the man’s own plate and drank from his cup. He cuddled it in his arms like a baby daughter. One day a guest arrived at the home of the rich man. But instead of killing an animal from his own flock or herd, he took the poor man’s lamb and killed it and prepared it for his guest.'"

As a prophet, Nathan was required to confront sin, even the sin of the king. It took great courage, skill, and tact to speak to David in a way that would make him aware of his wrong actions. When you have to confront someone with unpleasant news, pray for courage, skill, and tact. If you want that person to respond constructively, think through what you are going to say. How you present your message may be as important as what you say. Season your words with wisdom.

David confessed and repented of his sin, but God's judgement was that his child would die. The consequence of David's sin were irreversible. Sometimes an apology isn't enough. When God forgives us and restores out relationship with Him, He doesn't eliminate all the consequences of our wrongdoing. We may be tempted to say, "If this is wrong, I can apologize to God," but we must remember that we may set into motion events with irreversible consequences.

During this incident, David wrote Psalm 51 giving valuable insight into his character and offering hope for us also.

Taken from the NLT Life Application Study Bible

Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Book on Leadership - Earning Trust

This chapter focuses on Paul's journey from Caesarea to Rome found in Acts 27. Here are the things that I underlined from this chapter:

-REAL Leadership is in seriously short supply.
- In a sense, however, the leadership vacum presents a tremendous opportunity. The world is crying out for leaders - great heroic, noble, trustworthy leaders. We need leaders at every level of the social order - from political leaders in the international real to spiritual leaders in the church and family.
- The problem is that we live in an era where the very definition of CHARACTER has become fuzzy. People bemoan the loss of integrity in general terms, but few have any clear idea of what "integrity" entails anymore.
- If godly men and woman will step out and LEAD, people are prepared to follow the right kind of example. Hostile times and adverse circumstances are no impediment to a true leader. In fact, great adversity can be turned to great advantage by the power of an influential leader.
-The first principle of leadership: A LEADER IS TRUSTWORTHY
- A leader is not someone who is consumed with his own success and his own best interests. A true leader is someone who demonstrates to everyone around him that their interests are what most occupy his heart. A real leader will work hard to make everyone around him successful. His passion is to help make people under his leadership flourish. That is why a true leader must have the heart of a servant.
- Here's how you can easily recognize genuine leaders: They are the ones surrounded by gifted, capable, diligent, effective people who are devoted to their leader. That devotion reflects trust. And trust stems from the self-less way the godly leader uses his own energies and his own abilities in a sacrificial, selfless way. If you show people you truly have their best interest at heart, they'll follow you.

Good stuff! Things to implement and evaluate about my own leadership that's for sure. Father give me a teachable spirit and grow me as a leader! Allow me to see the areas I need to improve in, and encourage me in the areas that are strengths!

2 Samuel 11

"In the spring of the year, when kings normally go out to war, David sent Joab and the Israelite army to fight the Ammonites. They destroyed the Ammonite army and laid siege to the city of Rabbah. However, David stayed behind in Jerusalem.
Late one afternoon, after his midday rest, David got out of bed and was walking on the roof of the palace. As he looked out over the city, he noticed a woman of unusual beauty taking a bath. He sent someone to find out who she was, and he was told, 'She is Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam and the wife of Uriah the Hittite.' Then David sent messengers to get her; and when she came to the palace, he slept with her. She had just completed the purification rites after having her menstrual period. Then she returned home. 5Later, when Bathsheba discovered that she was pregnant, she sent David a message, saying, 'I’m pregnant.'"v.1-5

In this episode with Bathsheba, David allowed himself to fall deeper and deeper into sin.

1.) He abandoned his purpose by staying home form war.
2.) He focused on his own desires
3.) When temptation came, he looked into it instead of turning from it.
4.) He sinned deliberately
5.) He tried to cover up his sin.
6.) He committed murder to continue the cover up
7.) The consequence of Davids sin affect others, costing someone their own life.

David could have chosen to stop and turn from evil at any stage along the way. But once sin gets started, it is difficult to stop. The deeper the mess, the less we want to admit having caused it. It's much easier to stop sliding down a hill when you are near the top than when you are half-way down. The best solution is to stop sin before it starts.

Taken from the NLT Life Application Study Bible

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Book on Leadership - Intro

I just started reading this book by John MacArthur. So far so good. Here are the things I underlined from the Intro:

What makes a leader?
-According to Christ, then, the truest kind of leadership demands, service, sacrifice, and selflessness. (Matt. 20:25-28)
-They will exemplify sacrifice
-Leadership for the Christian always has a spiritual dimension
-All Christians in every kind of leadership are called to be spiritual leaders
-Every leader who is also a christian - inclueding the manager of the widget factory, the football coach, and the public-school kindergarten teacher - needs to remember that the leadership role is a spiritual responsibility, and the people we lead are a stewardship from God, for we will one day be called to give an account (Matt. 25:14-30)
-A true leader inspires followers
- Leadership is influence. The ideal leader is someone whose life and character motivates people to follow.
-Real leadership seeks to motivate people from the inside, by an appeal to the heart, not by external pressure and coercion.
-For all those reasons, leadership is not about style or technique as much as it is about character.
-True spiritual leadership is about character, not style
-The real leader is an example to follow. And the best example to follow, as Paul knew, is the one who follows Christ.
-Biblical principles of leadership are not principles for the church only. In fact, Christians ought to be the trend-setters for all secular, corporate, and political leadership, rather than thoughtlessly borrowing from the world whatever seems to "work."
-Every Christian is called to be a leader of sorts, at some level, because all of us are given a mandate to teach and influence others.
-Clearly, then, all Christians are called to influence others and teach them the truth about Christ. Therefore, no matter what your status, position, giftedness, or occupation, you are called to be a leader at some level.

If you want to know more, click here to buy the book! Or check back later as I share the things I underline from each chapter!

2 Samuel 9

"One day David asked, 'Is anyone in Saul’s family still alive—anyone to whom I can show kindness for Jonathan’s sake?'" v.1

Most kings in David's day tried to wipe out the families of their rivals in order to prevent descendants from seeking the throne. But David showed kindness to Mephibosheth, whose father was Jonathan and whose grandfather was King Saul. David was kind, partly because of his loyalty to God's previously anointed king; partly for political reasons - to unite Judah and Israel; and mainly because of his vow to show kindness to all of Jonathan's descendants.

Taken from the NLT Life Application Study Bible

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Youtube - now a place to find out how to cheat on test!

There's more at this link!

Giants-Pats most-watched Super Bowl ever

NEW YORK - The 97.5 million viewers who saw the New York Giants' last-minute win over the New England Patriots made it the most-watched Super Bowl ever and second biggest event in American television history.


2 Samuel 5:1-12

"And David realized that the LORD had confirmed him as king over Israel and had blessed his kingdom for the sake of his people Israel." v.12

David realized that the Lord had confirmed him as king. . .Although the pagan kingdoms based their greatness on conques, power, armies, and wealth, David knew that his greatness came only from God. To be great means keeping a close relationship with God personally and nationally. To do this, David had to keep his ambition under control. Although he was famous, successful, and well liked, he gave God first place in his life, and served the people according to Gods purposes.

Questions:Do I seek greatness from God or from people? In the drive for success, I need to remember to keep my ambitiojn under God's control.

Taken from the NLT Life Application Study Bible

Monday, February 4, 2008

New Bunk Bed

Our Friends gave us a set of Bunk Beds tonight!! They even gave us a night stand also!!! Josiah is so excited and Stephanie and I are so grateful and appreciative. They look brand new even though they say they are 10 years old. Right now I am laying on the bottom so Josiah (3) will be brave enough to sleep on the top bunk. He is so excited and scared at the same time. We'll see how he does! Pray that he makes it through the night . . . it means we will somewhat have our room back! SWEET!

The Best and Worst of the Super Bowl

For years now, the NFL has been bedazzling the Super Bowl with busloads of Hollywood stars and singers in an attempt to distract viewers from the fact that the game is usually a snooze-worthy blowout. But thanks to the New York Giants' historic last-minute victory Sunday night over the previously unbeaten New England Patriots, as well as an arena-rock-worthy halftime show from American icon Tom Petty, the people behind the big game finally got the mix of music and smash mouth right. (Except for the moments when it got things so, so wrong, which were also kind of great.) And so, we give you the first-annual Super Bowl Musical Monday Morning Quarterback Report.


1 Samuel 28

"The Philistines set up their camp at Shunem, and Saul gathered all the army of Israel and camped at Gilboa. When Saul saw the vast Philistine army, he became frantic with fear. He asked the LORD what he should do, but the LORD refused to answer him, either by dreams or by sacred lots or by the prophets. Saul then said to his advisers, 'Find a woman who is a medium, so I can go and ask her what to do.'
His advisers replied, 'There is a medium at Endor.'" v.4-7

Saul was overwhelmed at the sight of the Philistine army, and so he turned to the occult. Regard life's difficulties and obstacles as reminders to turn you in God's direction and make you depend on Him.

God did not answer his appeals because Saul because Saul had not followed Gods previous direction. Sometimes we wonder why our prayers aren't answered. But if we don't fulfill the responsibilities God has already given us, we should not be surprised when he does not give us further guidance. As we see from Saul's story, turning to anything or anyone else leads to disaster.

Taken from the NLT Life Application Study Bible

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Hangin Tough

That's right, looks like the New Kids are back!

Can't Hardly Wait

Living in a "Porn is the Norm" culture

The title of this article presupposes two things: first, your teens are being exposed to pornography, and second, you are already responding—even if you are doing nothing. Maybe you are tempted to toss this article aside with a shrug, “Well, my kids haven’t been exposed and I am careful to protect them. I don’t need to read this.” But, watch an hour of prime-time television and you have seen pornography. Drive past any number of billboards while on a trip and you have seen pornography. Look at the fashion posters in the clothing stores at the mall and you have seen it—in some form.

Part of our problem is that we have either no clear definition, or a very limited definition, of pornography. Most of us think of it as something you find in some rundown bookstore, or maybe in a convenience store. Most of us realize the Internet has a reputation of being filled with it. But do we realize we are surrounded by it, like a hapless adventurer sinking in quicksand?

Read More

Wrestling with Community

There is a lot of talk in the circles I run in of what it really means to live "in community" with other Christians. To most people, I think community means getting together for Sunday school, maybe having lunch at O'Charleys after church, or sitting in the same pew around the same people on Wednesday nights. There is nothing wrong with all of that, but I think living “in community” might require a bit more.

I believe when we begin to wrestle with what it means to live in community, we are wrestling with what it would look like to be honest, vulnerable and transparent with other believers. To be really forthcoming, as much as I hope for that type of community and work toward it in my own life, sometimes the idea scares the heck out of me. I think it is there, in the tension of my own struggle, that I recognize the real issue: If the Church is going to stay relevant and engaged in our culture, we need to figure this community thing out.


1 Samuel 25:1-42

"There was a wealthy man from Maon who owned property near the town of Carmel. He had 3,000 sheep and 1,000 goats, and it was sheep-shearing time. This man’s name was Nabal, and his wife, Abigail, was a sensible and beautiful woman. But Nabal, a descendant of Caleb, was crude and mean in all his dealings." v.2-3

Nabal rudely refused David's request to feed his 600 men. If we sympathize with Nabal, it is because customs are so different today. First, simple hospitality demanded that travelers - any number of them - be fed. Nabal was very rich and could have easily afforded to meet David's request. Second, David wasn't asking for a handout. He and his men had been protecting Nabal's workforce, and part of Nabal's prosperity was due to David's vigilance. We should be generous with those who protect us and help us prosper, even if we are not obligated to do so by law or custom.

Taken from the NLT Life Application Study Bible

Our 1st Guys Night

Last night was our 1st Guys Night. Josiah (3) and I blew up an air mattress, watched a movie, ate puppy chow, and slept in the office/gameroom. Heres a pic from this morning!

It was exciting for me just to share in his excitement. It doesn't matter what we do it just the simple fact that we do it together. This will be something he remembers for ever. Creating Memories together is so important and something we need to be mindful of. Can't wait till Jackson can join us!!!

Air mattress - Donated by Pa Pa
Movie Rental - $3.50
Memories - Priceless

Friday, February 1, 2008


It's Back!!!! My family and I enjoyed watching the beginning of the 4th season of LOST. A show we got addicted too the summer of 06. Yes we watched seasons 1-2 before season 3 started. Last night was good. But what is up with this video?

Does it have anything to do with the show or is it just to keep us guessing???

1 Samuel 24

"But then David’s conscience began bothering him because he had cut Saul’s robe. 'The LORD knows I shouldn’t have done that to my lord the king,' he said to his men. 'The LORD forbid that I should do this to my lord the king and attack the LORD’s anointed one, for the LORD himself has chosen him.' So David restrained his men and did not let them kill Saul." v.5-7

David had great respect for Saul, in spite of the fact that Saul was trying to kill him. Although Saul was sinning and rebelling against God, David still respected the position he held as God's anointed king. David knew he would one day be king, and he also knew it was not right to strike down the man God had placed on the throne. If he assassinated Saul, he would be setting a precedent for his own opponents to remove him some day.

Romans 13:1-7 teaches that God has placed the government and it's leaders in power. We may not know why, but, like David we are to respect the positions and roles of those to whom God has given authority. There is one exception, however. Because God is our highest authority, we should not allow a leader to pressure us to violate God's law.

Taken from the NLT Life Application Study Bible