Friday, February 22, 2008

Blogs from C3 Conference

Tony Morgan has been posting outines and zingers from the C3 Confernce at Fellowship Church. Here is some great stuff that Perry Noble said Thursday.

Here are some of the insights from Perry's session. Thanks, Joe, for sharing your notes.

Environment matters
-Matthew 17:1-3
-If you are preaching at or working for a church that you would not otherwise attend, WHY?
-The fire starts in the Senior Pastor's heart. If the Sr. Pastor is not fired up, why would anyone else be?

Vision matters
-Matthew 17:4-7
-Peter wanted to stay on the mountain forever. He couldn't see past the current events.
-You're only as deep as the last person you served.
-You may say that we are not deep. What you really mean to say is "You don't confuse me enough." I can confuse the crap out of you.
-Listen to the one God gave the vision to - and God gives that to the Senior Pastor!
-Matthew 17:7 "Get Up!" - Get up! "Don't be afraid!" Operate by vision and not voting.
-We want the back door of the church to stay open. The church is the body. If the back door of the body stops up, it is not good! We want the back door to stay open.

Jesus matters
-Politicians can't help the nation, Jesus can!
-Matthew 17:8 - When they looked up, they saw no one but Jesus. That is our goal - that people show up to our church and see no one but Jesus!