Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Book on Leadership - Intro

I just started reading this book by John MacArthur. So far so good. Here are the things I underlined from the Intro:

What makes a leader?
-According to Christ, then, the truest kind of leadership demands, service, sacrifice, and selflessness. (Matt. 20:25-28)
-They will exemplify sacrifice
-Leadership for the Christian always has a spiritual dimension
-All Christians in every kind of leadership are called to be spiritual leaders
-Every leader who is also a christian - inclueding the manager of the widget factory, the football coach, and the public-school kindergarten teacher - needs to remember that the leadership role is a spiritual responsibility, and the people we lead are a stewardship from God, for we will one day be called to give an account (Matt. 25:14-30)
-A true leader inspires followers
- Leadership is influence. The ideal leader is someone whose life and character motivates people to follow.
-Real leadership seeks to motivate people from the inside, by an appeal to the heart, not by external pressure and coercion.
-For all those reasons, leadership is not about style or technique as much as it is about character.
-True spiritual leadership is about character, not style
-The real leader is an example to follow. And the best example to follow, as Paul knew, is the one who follows Christ.
-Biblical principles of leadership are not principles for the church only. In fact, Christians ought to be the trend-setters for all secular, corporate, and political leadership, rather than thoughtlessly borrowing from the world whatever seems to "work."
-Every Christian is called to be a leader of sorts, at some level, because all of us are given a mandate to teach and influence others.
-Clearly, then, all Christians are called to influence others and teach them the truth about Christ. Therefore, no matter what your status, position, giftedness, or occupation, you are called to be a leader at some level.

If you want to know more, click here to buy the book! Or check back later as I share the things I underline from each chapter!