Thursday, May 1, 2008

National Day of Prayer

As I get started today here are the things that I am Praying for. I put it in an acronym I stole from Doug Fields. You can use this as a format for prayer.

God you alone deserve my worship.
Your faithful love amazes me.
You have provided and blessed me beyond what I deserve: loving wife, healthy kids, friends that challenge me to grow, food and shelter, and the list goes on.

Sometimes I am fearful instead of faithful.
Sometimes I am selfish instead of selfless.
Sometimes I try to solve things in my own strength.
I wish I talked to you more.
Sometimes I catch myself going through the motions without being totally present.
I need you.

I am thankful for my wife, she blesses me more than she knows.
I am thankful for my kids, they area a joy/challenge but teach me everyday.
I am thankful for the friends that have been prayer warriors for us this year.
I am thankful for the opportunities to be used by you to influence students for your Kingdom.

I have been encouraged by the miracles we have seen with Jackson.
Seeing students come to know you amazes me how you can use me as an influence.
Following your leading even when we haven't understood completely has blessed and encouraged us.

Guide my thoughts, actions, re-actions, attitudes, and time to maximze the opportunities I have as a Husband, Father, Friend Leader!
Comfort those that are hurting from a loss or illness.
Give our ministry a vision that is bigger that we are so when we look back we see that you have been with us.
Give our church a clear unified approach to reaching and caring for the people in Collin County.
Strengthen families and relationships in our community, nation, and world.
Protect the innocent and those that have no voce for themselves.
Convict us of our sin and help us to turn to you with all of our hearts.
Lead pastors to be bold in proclaiming your truth with love.
Give wisdom to our government leaders as they address issues and make policies.
Give us wisdom as a nation as we begin to choose a new president.
Please lower gas prices.

God these and many other things are on my heart today. You know my heart, my thoughts, my needs, and my desires I pray that this day as christians gather around the nation to seek your face that you would hear our prayer and begin to turn hearts back to you! I pray all these things in the Name of Jesus