I don't know about you, but it is hard for me to do anything without some form of music. I love music, but I am finding myself listening to the words more closely now. I think this started happening when I was with some of my interns at the time and "Candy Shop" came on the radio for the first time. We couldn't believe what we were hearing.
Now l have always said, "I don't listen to the words to much I just like the song." Teenagers tell me this all the time. When I look back at my life there are certain songs that I still like. For example, I still like Creed, Metallic, and Live. (Yes I am a youth pastor so go ahead and re-read what I just wrote). Last week I was working on my talk weekend listening to The Unforgivin by Metallica. (thats out of the box) One of my favorite songs this summer was by Lincoln Park called "What I've done". Today, I found myself listing to Creeds, "My Sacrifice". These song remind me of different things in my life but there are some deep words and meaning in these songs. I have found myself listing to these songs through a christian world view and it has caused me to like some of them even more.
Here is my learning, even though the artist may not have Christian values, God can still share truth with us through their songs. We used this video this weekend and it was amazing!
Any thoughts?
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