Sunday, December 16, 2007

Judges 13

"When her son was born, she named him Samson. And the Lord blessed him as he grew up. And the Spirit of the Lord began to stir him while he lived in Mahaneh-dan, which is located between the towns of Zorah and Eshtaol. v. 24-25

Samson's tribe, Dan, continued to wander in their inherited land, which was yet unconquered. Samson must have grown up with this warlike tribe's yearnings for a permanent and settled territory. Thus, his visit to the tribal army camp stirred his heart, and God's Spirit began preparing him for hs role as a judge and leader against the Philistines.

Perhaps there are things that stir your heart. These may indicate areas where God wants to use you. God uses a variety of means to develop and prepare us: hereditary traits, environmental influences, and personal experiences. As with Samson, this preparation often begins long before adulthood. Work at being sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading and the tasks God has prepared for you. Your past may be more useful to you than you imagine.