So the Egyptians made the Israelites their slaves. They appointed brutal slave drivers over them, hoping to wear them down with crushing labor. They forced them to build the cities of Pithom and Rameses as supply centers for the king." v1:8-11
New King, New Laws, New Baby! The freedom the Israelites once had with Joseph has now been turned into slavery upon his death. They are being worked over by the eygptians, who are fearful of their ability to out number them. Things seem tense and laws are being passed to kill baby boys. Sounds pretty crazy! Its times like these that we are bale to see God in a big way. He seems to step into our chaos and provide guidance and deliverance. When things get tough, do i remain faithful or faithless? When things are chaotic, do I invite God into the situation, or try to do it on my own?
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Exodus 1-2:10
Posted by Dan Gould at 6:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Genesis 49:1-33
Jacob blessed each of his sons and then made a prediction about each one's future. The way the men had lived played and important part in Jacob's blessing and prophecy. Our past also affects our present and future. By sunrise tomorrow, our actions of today will have become part of the past. Yet they will already have begun to shape the future. What actions can you choose or avoid that will positively shape your future?
Posted by Dan Gould at 7:09 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Monday, October 29, 2007
Genesis 45:1-28
Although Joseph's brothers had wanted to get rid of him, God used even their actions to fulfill his ultimate plan. He had sent Joseph ahead to preserve their lives, save Egypt, and prepare the way for the beginning of the nation of Israel. God is Sovereign. His plans are not dictated by human actions. When others intend evil toward you, remember that God is still in control, "You intended to harm me but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so i could save the lives of many people." 50:52
Posted by Dan Gould at 11:09 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Genesis 44:1-34
Joseph wanted to see if his brothers' attitudes had changed for the better, so he tested the way they treated each other. Judah, the brother who stepped forward with the plan to sell Joseph, now stepped forward to take Benjamin's punishment so Benjamin could return to their father. This courageous act convinced Joseph that his brothers had dramatically changed for the better.
Posted by Dan Gould at 6:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Package from Nana
We got a great package yesterday from Nana and Papa. Inside was these two hit sticks, great fun for the two of us.
Posted by Dan Gould at 9:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: Family Fun
Genesis 43:1-34
Jacob and his sons had no relief from the famine. They could not see God's overall plan of sending them to Egypt's storehouses. If you are praying for relief from suffering or pressure and God is not bringing it as quickly as you would like, maybe He has something better in store than that immediate request?
Posted by Dan Gould at 9:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Friday, October 26, 2007
The Amazing Race
Season Premiere
Sunday, November 4, 8pm et/pt
THE AMAZING RACE returns for its 12th season and is bigger than ever. This year the Race spans the globe from Ireland to Croatia and sets new Race Teams on an adventure of a lifetime. Traveling more than 50,000 miles and crossing multiple continents in 28 days, the Teams are in a fierce race to the finish first for a shot at the million dollar prize.
Posted by Dan Gould at 10:29 AM 0 comments
Labels: Random
Genesis 42:1-38
Sounds like a family reunion! Little did the brothers know that they would be seeing the brother they thought was dead. Joseph could have easily said no to his brothers and sought revenge. Or he could help his brothers and family in their time need. How do you respond to people that have wronged you, but now need help? Do you allow them to suffer, or do you lend a helping hand?
Posted by Dan Gould at 9:56 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Thursday, October 25, 2007
You're Not Deep Enough
Here is a great article by Perry Noble pastor of NewSpring
If you are a pastor/church leader then you have probably heard this statement before–and it just bothers you…I will admit it has always fired me up. BECAUSE…when a person makes a statement like this it is not an attack against you, although they mean for it to be, but rather an indication of their own spiritual condition–which would be both lazy and self serving.
My daughter is three months old…and I am confident that within the next year or so that we will not have to feed her…a part of her growing up and maturing is her being able to feed herself…and if she doesn’t learn to do that then we will have problems.
Read the rest on his blog here
Posted by Dan Gould at 10:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: Church Stuff, Leadership, Student Ministry
The Potential of Community
A couple of years ago I had written an article for PDYM Community. Yesterday I got Simply Youth Ministry news letter and found that they have added it to a list of other great articles from other Youth Workers pertaining to student ministry on their website. Here is a clip from the article,
Last year the PDYM team had a vision to connect youth workers with other like minded youth workers for the sake of developing community. Ultimately for community to happen people have to be willing to connect with each other. There have been several attempts to provide opportunities for this to happen but I want to briefly challenge us to think for a moment what a local pdym community has to offer you and me, our students, and other youth workers.
A local community is a place where you can connect with others. For many of us, we've read the pdym book and maybe even went to a conference, but now, through the local community, we can actually talk face to face with other youth workers who share the same passion and methods for ministry. We can be encouraged and share openly with people who understand the demands that youth workers face . . . what a relief to know that we are not alone!!!
A local community can be a resource for leadership training. Let's face it, leadership training can be tuff and expensive! When you connect with a local community you have the opportunity to learn from others and have others learn from you. You have a new resource of potential guest speakers who understands what you are trying to do and who could come and train your leaders. This is a great Resource!!!!
Click here if you want to read the rest of the article!
Posted by Dan Gould at 9:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: Student Ministry
Late for School
Have you ever tried to do something and then your wife calls to tell you all the things you forgot? Yeah, that was our morning. As I am driving my son to school this morning I thought we had everything covered and didn't even have to worry about waking up mom. Was I ever wrong! Half way to school she calls to let me know I forgot a snack, he was supposed to wear his school shirt, and he didn't have a drink for lunch. Sooo, needless to say we had to turn around and go back home. As I took him in to school 15 minutes late, I heard him tell his teacher, "My dad was running late!" He is three, we didn't rehearse excuses on the way to school, he came up with this on his own. What do you say to that?
Posted by Dan Gould at 9:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: Dad Stuff
Genesis 41:37-57
Pharaoh recognized that Joseph was a man "filled with the spirit of God." You probably wont get to interpret dreams for a king, but those who know you should be able to see God in you, through your kind words, merciful acts, and wise advidce. Do your relatives, neighbors, and co-workers see you as a person in whom the Spirit of God lives?
Joseph rose quickly o the top, from prison walls to Pharaoh's palace. His training for this important position involved being first a slave and then a prisoner. In each situation he learned the importance of serving God and others. Whatever your situation, no matter how undesirable, consider it part of your training program for serving God!
Posted by Dan Gould at 7:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Genesis 41:1-36
'It is beyond my power to do this,' Joseph replied. 'But God can tell you what it means and set you at ease.'" v14-16
Our most important opportunities may come when we least expect them. Joseph was brought hastily from the dungeon and pushed before Pharaoh. Did he have time to prepare? Yes and no. He had no warning that he would be suddenly pulled from prison and questioned by the king. Yet Joesph was ready for almost anything because of his right relationship with God. It was not Joseph's knowledge of dreams that helped him interpret their meaning. It was his knowledge of God. Be ready for opportunities by staying close to God. Then, when he calls you to a task, you'll be ready!
Posted by Dan Gould at 6:11 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Genesis 40:1-23
'Interpreting dreams is God’s business,' Joseph replied. 'Go ahead and tell me your dreams.'" v8
When the subject of dreams came up, Joseph focused everyone's attention on God. Rather than using the situation to make himself look good, he turned it into a powerful witness for the Lord. One secret of effective witnessing is to recognize opportunities to relate God to the other person's experience. When the opportunity arises, we must have the courage to speak, as Joseph did.
Posted by Dan Gould at 7:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Monday, October 22, 2007
Today we experienced our first really cold day in Texas. Yesterday, it was 86 and today, I don't think it topped 55. It reminds me of Missouri weather! I guess it is supposed to be like this all week! YUK!!
Posted by Dan Gould at 6:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: Random
Genesis 39:1-23
Joseph was a very handsome and well-built young man, and Potiphar’s wife soon began to look at him lustfully. “Come and sleep with me,” she demanded.
But Joseph refused. 'Look,' he told her, 'my master trusts me with everything in his entire household. No one here has more authority than I do. He has held back nothing from me except you, because you are his wife. How could I do such a wicked thing? It would be a great sin against God.'
She kept putting pressure on Joseph day after day, but he refused to sleep with her, and he kept out of her way as much as possible. One day, however, no one else was around when he went in to do his work. She came and grabbed him by his cloak, demanding, 'Come on, sleep with me!' Joseph tore himself away, but he left his cloak in her hand as he ran from the house." v2-12
Joseph was blessed by God!
Joseph was a man of integrity!
Joseph was a man of high Character!
Joseph served well in whatever situation he was placed!
Joseph maintained a good attitude!
Joseph was faithful!
These are all great qualities. It would be easy to say that Joseph was wronged, and I believe he was, but the thing that stands out is how faithful Joseph was to God and the people in authority over him. Instead of having a bad attitude, he sought out ways to help in every situation.
Posted by Dan Gould at 6:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Pumkin Patch
Last weekend we went to a FREE Pumpkin Patch. It was huge!!! Face painting, bounce houses, hay rides and a so called train ride! Our family had fun together and enjoyed spending the time with our friends!
Posted by Dan Gould at 7:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: Family Fun
Started a New Series this Weekend
This new series called FEAR-LESS seemed to hit home with the students this weekend. Really excited to see how God uses it in my life and theirs!
Posted by Dan Gould at 7:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: Fusion
Genesis 37:1-36
Could jealousy ever make you feel like killing someone? Before saying, "Of course not," look at what happened in this story. Ten men were willing to kill their younger brother over a robe and a few reported dreams. Their deep jealousy had grown into ugly rage, completely blinding them to what was right. Jealousy can be difficult to recognize because our reasons for it seem to make sense. But left unchecked, jealousy grows quickly and leads to serious sins. The longer you cultivate jealous feelings, the harder it is to uproot them. The time to deal with jealousy is when you notice yourself keeping score of others' recognition, awards, and achievements.
Posted by Dan Gould at 6:20 AM 1 comments
Labels: Devo
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Genesis 32:1-33:16
How would you feel if you knew you were about to meet the person you had cheated out of his most precious possession? Jacob had taken Esau's birthright and his blessing. Now he was about to meet his brother for the first time in 20 years, and he was frantic The last thing he knew was that Esau wanted to kill him. As he collected his thoughts, he decides to pray. When we face a difficult situation or conflict, we can run about frantically or we can pause to pray. Which approach will be more effective? Which approach do I tend to use most often?
Posted by Dan Gould at 10:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Friday, October 19, 2007
Genesis 29:14-30
People often wonder if working a long time for something they desire is worth it. Jacob worked seven years to marry Rachel. After being tricked, he agreed to work seven more years for her (wow). The most important goals and desires are worth working and waiting for. Movies and Television have created the illusion that people have to wait only about an hour to solve their problems or get what they want. Don't be trapped in thinking the same is true in real life. Patience is hardest when we need it most, but it is the key to achieving our goals.
Posted by Dan Gould at 11:27 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Genesis 28:10-22
Jacob has just had an encounter with God through a dream. When he wakes up he realizes that God is in this place. God's covenant promise to Abraham and Isaac was now offered to Jacob. God had promised to bless him and make his descendants great! In response to God Jacob makes a memorial and a vow. He committed his future to God.
When God speaks to me, am I more likely to commit or question? I hope to say that I am more likely to commit.
Posted by Dan Gould at 9:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Here is a new look at a capital campaign for a church!
Yesterday at Elevation we kicked off our DOMINATE campaign. I've been praying and preparing for this campaign pretty much all year, and I felt very strongly that we needed to intentionally turn people's perception of what a capital campaign is all about upside down.
So we kicked off the whole campaign by giving away $40,000 to our people yesterday. Yes, you heard me correctly: We began our first ever capital campaign by giving away roughly the equivalent of our 2007 weekly offering average. Every adult got an envelope with either $5, $10, $20, $50, or $100. And one participant in each of our five worship experiences actually received $1000.
You can read more on Steve's blog.
Posted by Dan Gould at 10:02 AM 0 comments
Genesis 27:1-40
Have you ever overheard someone talk and felt as if you had to get involved by defending, fixing, or changing a situation?
When Rebekah learned that Isaac was preparing to bless Esau, she quickly devised a plan to trick him into blessing Jacob instead. Although God had already told her that Jacob would become the family leader, Rebekah took matters into her own hands. She resorted to doing something wrong to try to bring about what God had had already said would happen. For Rebekah, the end justified the means. No matter how good we think our goals are, we should not attempt to achieve them by doing what is wrong. Would God approve of the methods I am using to accomplish my goals?
Posted by Dan Gould at 9:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Genesis 25:19-34
'Look, I’m dying of starvation!” said Esau. “What good is my birthright to me now?'” v31-32
Have you ever been caught in the moment? Meaning you do something that you never intended to do, but at the time you just did it?
Esau traded the lasting benefits of his birth right fo the immediate pleasure of food. Now a birthright was a special honor given to the firstborn son. It included a double portion of the family inheritance along with the honor of one day becoming the family's leader. The oldest son could sell his birthright or give it away if he chose, but in doing, he would lose both material goods and his leadership position. By trading his birthright, Esau showed complete disregard for the spiritual blessings that would have come his way if he had kept it. By exaggerating his hunger. "I'm dying of starvation!" he said. This thought made his choice much easier because if he was starving, what good was an inheritance anyway? The pressure of the moment distorted his perspective and made his decision seem urgent. We often experience similar pressures. For example, when we feel sexual pressure, a marriage vow may seem unimportant. We might feel such great pressure in one area that nothing else seems to matter and we lose our perspective. Getting through that short, pressure filled moment is often the most difficult part of overcoming a temptation.
We can easily fall into the same trap. When we see something we want, our first impulse is to have it, or get it. At first we feel intensely satisfied and sometimes even powerful because we have obtained what we set out to get. But immediate pleasure often losses sight of the future. We can avoid making Esau's mistake by comparing the short-term satisfaction with its long-range consequences before we act.
Posted by Dan Gould at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Monday, October 15, 2007
Genesis 24:28-67
Things have changed since Isaac and Rebekah. But God is still constant. When it comes to relationships, who do you trust in choosing the person you will spend your life with? Even though Rebekah was picked for Isaac by a servant, their element of prayer put God in the center of the relationship. Is God in the center of your relationship?
Posted by Dan Gould at 6:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Genesis 24:1-27
Have you ever been given a task that had a lot riding on it? Abraham has just asked a servant to find a wife for Isaac. Now remember that God has promised to bless Abraham and his descendants, so there is a lot on the line here in who he chooses.
After traveling and a short honest prayer, the servant ask God to for help. He specifically prays in the direction of finding a woman that has a servants heart. Not only did Rebekah have a servants heart, she was beautiful!
When was the last time you asked God for help and His answer blew you away by His goodness? I believe the servant here has just experienced the goodness that God provides for those that are obedient to Him.
Posted by Dan Gould at 6:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Only 1 hour to Go!
Here is the pre-game fact sheet from!
Posted by Dan Gould at 4:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: Sports
Baseball and Bubbles
My son and I played baseball this morning. We were practicing his swing. Keep in mind he is only 3 so he is doing really well. But after about 10 minutes, he was asking for the bubbles. That either says something about my coaching skilz or his attention span.
Mom's bring a football home for later. We will see how that goes!
Posted by Dan Gould at 4:20 PM 1 comments
Labels: Family Fun
Mizzou plays Oklahoma today
I've got the DVR set so I don't miss it!
Posted by Dan Gould at 9:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: Sports
Genesis 22:1-19
'Yes,' he replied. 'Here I am.'
'Take your son, your only son—yes, Isaac, whom you love so much—and go to the land of Moriah. Go and sacrifice him as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will show you.'" v1-2
What in the world is God doing? Have you ever asked that question? Why is God letting this happen is often our response when we are dealing with a tough situation. But it is in this time that God is testing our faith and trust in Him. God tested Abraham, not to trip him and watch him fall, but to deepen his capacity to obey, and thus to develop his character. Just as fire refines ore to extract precious metals, God refines us through difficult circumstances. When we are tested we can complain, or we can try to see how God is stretching us to develop our character.
Obeying God is often a struggle because it may mean giving up something we truly want. We should not expect our obedience to God to be easy or to come naturally.
Notice the parallel between the ram offered on the altar as a substitute for Issac and Christ offered on the cross as a substitute for us. Whereas God stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son, God did not spare his own Son, Jesus, from dying on the cross. If Jesus had lived, the rest of humankind would have died. God sent his only Son to die for us so that we could be spared from the eternal death we deserve and instead receive eternal life.
Posted by Dan Gould at 9:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Friday, October 12, 2007
Genesis 21:8-21
As a dad, it must have been hard to send away your son. Abraham had to do just this and trust that the Lord would provide for their needs.
Ever wounder what happened to Ishmael and who his descendants were? Ismael became ruler of a large tribe or nation. The Ishmaelites were nomads living in the wilderness of Sinai and Paran, south of Israel. One of Ishmael's daughters married Esau, Ismael's nephew. The Bible pictures the Ishmaelites as hostile to Israel and the God.
Posted by Dan Gould at 7:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Genesis 19:12-29
God promised to spare Sodom if only 10 innocent people lived there. Obviously not 10 could be found, because the angels arrived to destroy the city. Archaeological evidence points to an advanced civilization in this area during Abraham's day. Most researchers also confirm some kind of sudden or devastating destruction. It is now widely thought that the buried city lies beneath the waters of the southern end of the sea of the Dead Sea. The story of Sodom reveals that the people of Lot's day had to deal with the same kinds of repulsive sins the world world faces today.
Have you ever hesitated to do something? Especially something that required Faith? It is easy to get settled in a comfort zone or a situation even if it is not the best for us. Lot hesitated, so the angle seized his hand and rushed him to safety. Lot did not want to leave the wealth, position, and comfort he enjoyed in Sodom. How many times does a curtain situation seem to hypnotize us from the things God what us to do or experience?
Posted by Dan Gould at 7:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Genesis 18:1-15
The obvious answer is, "Of course not!" This question reveals much about God. Make it a habit to insert your specific needs into the question. "Is this day in my life too hard for the Lord?" "Is this habit I'm trying to break too hard for Him?" "Is the communication problem I'm having too hard for Him?" Asking the question this way reminds you and I that God is personally involved in our lives and nudges us to ask for His power to help us!
Posted by Dan Gould at 9:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Genesis 12:1-9; 17:1-8
When God called him, Abram moved in faith from Ur to Haran and finally to Canaan. God then established a covenant with Abram, telling him that he would found a great nation. Not only would this nation be blessed, God said, but other nations on earth would be blessed through Abrams descendants. Isreal, the nation that would come from Abram, was to follow God and influence those whom it came in contact with. Through Abram's family tree, Jesus Christ was born to save humanity. Through Christ, people can have a relationship with God and be blessed beyond measure.
God has the same measure for us today. We are to obey the Lord in every respect because he is God - that is reason enough. If you don't think the benefits of obedience are worth it, consider who God is! He is the only one with the power and ability to meet your every need.
Posted by Dan Gould at 7:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Monday, October 8, 2007
Genesis 11:1-9
The tower of Babel was a great human achievement a wonder of the world. But it was a monument to the people themselves rather than to God. We build monuments to ourselves (expensive clothes, big house, fancy car, important job) to call attention to our achievements. These may not be wrong in themselves, but when we use them to give us identity and self worth, they take God's place in out lives. We are free to develop in many areas, but we are not free to think we have replaced God. What "towers" have I built in my life?
Posted by Dan Gould at 6:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Mizzou Football
Last night I watched Missouri beat Nebraska in a big way 41-6. It seems that this has become a new hobby of mine. I am glad they are winning, it would be much harder to watch if they weren't. This week will be a big test as they take on Oklahoma.
Posted by Dan Gould at 3:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: Sports
Genesis 9:1-17
Noah stepped out of the boat onto the earth devoid of human life. But God gave him a reassuring promise. This covenant had three parts:
1. Never again will a flood do such destruction.
2. As long as the earth remains, the seasons will always come as expected.
3. A rainbow will be visible when it rains as a sign to all that God will keep His promise.
The earths order and seasons are still preserved, and rainbows still remind us of God's faithfulness to His world!
The next time I see a rainbow, may it remind me of God's unfailing love!
Posted by Dan Gould at 6:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Genesis 8:1-22
Noah shows extreme patience as he waits for the flood waters to recede and God to tell them when they can come off of the boat. Please keep in mind that he has spent almost a year cooped up in this boat with, animals (animals that poop and stink), his family (this can be good, but I am sure tension happened), no cell phone, no TV, no Computer, no Internet, no Ipod . . . you know the things now we feel like we can't live without.
When God gives the ok, the first thing Noah does is build an alter to the Lord so he can sacrifice a burnt offering with the clean animals appointed for that. God finds this aroma pleasing, and though we are sinful by birth, God's love proves strong by him making a covenant that He would not destroy the earth or the human race again until final judgment.
Noah put God first, he could have easily went out to see the damage or the new things but instead, He built an alter for sacrifices to the Lord. Do I put God first in everything or does He come around when I get to it? My prayer is that I will put God first!
Posted by Dan Gould at 8:37 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Friday, October 5, 2007
Genesis 7:1-24
Have you ever been asked to do something you thought was crazy or impossible? Noah has been asked to do something that seemed crazy and impossible in his day. God asked him to build this giant boat and then to put animals, male and female, on the boat. That to me, seems like a big task. This isn't something that just happened over night it took several years for Noah to build the boat and then, to have to try to think through getting all of these animals on there had to be mind boggling.
But we know now that everything happened according to Gods plan. As Noah obeyed God, God took care of the details. Do I focus more on the details or being obedient to what God has asked me to do?
Posted by Dan Gould at 9:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Genesis 6:9-22
Saying that Noah was "righteous" and "blameless" does not mean that he never sinned. Rather, it means that Noah wholeheartedly loved and obeyed God. For a lifetime he walked step by step in faith as a living example to his generation.
Noah got right to work when God told him to build the huge boat. Other people must have been warned about the coming disaster, but apparently did not expect it to happen. Today things haven;t changed much. Each day thousands of people are warned of God's inevitable judgment, yet most of them don' really believe it will happen. Don't expect people to welcome or accept your message of God's coming judgment and try to get you to deny God as well. But remember God's promise to Noah to keep him safe. This can inspire you to trust God for deliverance in the judgment that is sure to come.
Like Noah, we live in a world filled with evil. Are we influencing others or being influenced by them?
Posted by Dan Gould at 6:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Genesis 4:1-16
How do I react when someone suggest i have done something wrong? Do I move to correct the mistake, or deny that I need to correct it?
After Cain's gift was rejected, God gave him the chance to right his wrong and try again. God even encouraged him to do this! But Cain refused, and the rest of his life is a startling example of what happens to those who refuse to admit their mistakes. The next time someone suggest you are wrong, take an honest look at yourself and choose God's way instead of your own way like Cain.
Posted by Dan Gould at 6:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Gen. 2:15-3:24
Adam had only one thing he could not do . . . everything else was fair game. God gave Adam responsibility for the the garden and told him not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Rather than physically preventing him from eating, God gave Adam a choice and, thus, the possibility of choosing wrongly.
God then creates Eve and the two of them become one and fellowship with God in the Garden. How peaceful that must have been. Even on our best day, it can't compare to what it must have been like to have fellowship with God in the Garden. But it doesn't last long . . .
The serpent, Satan, tempted Eve by getting her to doubt God's goodness. He made her forget all that God had given her and, instead, focus on the 1 thing God had forbidden. He tries to make Eve think that sin is good, pleasant, and desirable. A knowledge of both good and evil seemed harmless to her. People usually choose wrong things because they have become convinced that those things are good, at least for themselves. Our sins do not always appear ugly to us, and the pleasant sins are the hardest to avoid. So prepare yourself for the attractive temptations that may come your way. We cannot always prevent temptation, but there is always away of escape. Use God's Word and God's people to help you stand against it.
Posted by Dan Gould at 6:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo
Monday, October 1, 2007
Genesis 1:1-2:3
I am embarking on a journey through the Bible. Today I start at the beginning. I am excited about this and look forward to what the Lord teaches me!
The Bible not only tells us that the world was created by God; more important, it tells us who this God is. It reveals God's personality, his character, and his plan for his creation. It also reveals God's deepest desire: to relate and to fellowship with the people he created. God took the ultimate step toward fellowship with us through his historic visit to this planet in the person of his Son Jesus Christ. We can know in a very personal way this God who created the universe.
God obviously didn't create us exactly like himself because God has no physical body. Instead, we are reflections of God's glory. Some feel that our reason, creativity, speech, or self-determination is the image of God. More likely, its our entire self that reflects the image of God. We will never be totally like God because he is the supreme Creator. But we do have the ability to reflect his character in our love, patience, forgiveness, kindness, and faithfulness.
We live in an action oriented world!!!!! There always seems to be something to do and no time to rest. (hello) Yet God demonstrated that rest is appropriate and right. If God himself rested from his work, we should not be surprised that we also need rest. Jesus demonstrated this principle when he and his disciples left in a boat to get away from the crowds. Our times of rest refresh us for times of service.
Posted by Dan Gould at 8:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devo